Designing solutions that stimulate the senses, captivate hearts, and motivate the viewer…

Došen/Gajić is a multidisciplinary design studio focused on creating brands and unleashing their full potential by designing solutions that stimulate the senses, captivate hearts and motivate the viewer. We are focused on building a partnership that not only ensures the fulfillment of the task but exceeds realistic expectations.
By nature, we are curious and passionate in our search for creativity. Behind us, there are 25 years of experience and collaboration with international and local clients and agencies, and ahead there are countless more ideas that are waiting for the right moment to see the light of day.

Nenad Došen
Zoran Gajić

What are we doing?

We do what we love most: we create new brands and revitalize fading ones. We come up with a name, draw a bottle, design a logo or label, pack in irresistible packaging, tell a story.
And all this to help the products become brands that will make us happy with a unique experience. Unique appearance and behavior. With a unique sense of fulfillment of our desires and dreams.
We work for the big ones, and we help the little ones become big. We also work for those who have yet to become something. We love what we do:

// Name origination

// Brand design

// Visual identity

// Packaging design

// Strategy and consulting

// Production


Our design process is designed to be simple, to simplify complex communication processes, to enhance visual impact and appeal, to improve product performance. We try to incorporate as much craftwork as possible in each project. With this approach, we create original design patterns that always stand out and are easily recognizable in a competitive market, whether it is an illustration, custom-made typography and photography, or 3D prototypes of packaging.

Each product takes us on a journey from its origin to its production. From the owners we learn about their dreams and goals, from the technologist we learn about the process of product creation, from the oenologist we learn about all the details that affect the wine profile, we learn about the soil, fruit varieties, sun exposure, altitude, wine press… we absorb all the details looking for clues which will inspire us to build a visual narrative that is unique and true.